Buisiness card CD

Have you ever seen CDs/DVDs in any shapes other than the regular Circular ones? Will you believe that CD versions of paper buisiness cards are available?

I am using a smaller CD which contains hardware drivers in my Lab as in the below picture. It simply sits in my wallet ;-)

Pic courtesy: http://www.cdigitalmarkets.com/busniess_card_plus.htm

Visit http://www.proactionmedia.com/shaped_cd_dvd.htm to see the different shapes of CDs available in the market.


Syam said…
kelvi pattu iruken but usage la irukarathu theriathu...
ambi said…
ohh! amazing.. (DVD mela irukra figure kooda nalla irukku!) :)
Unknown said…
Ganesh, Hmmm.

Ippo therinjukonga ;-)

Shuba, Yup.

CD-a paaka sonna, Figure-a paakureenga. (Nalla fig-thaan ;-))
Marutham said…
Pudhu seidhi dhaan!! Interesting....
My messenger messed up!!
i've seen CD business cards.
Bharani said…
Bala...ithellam college padikum pothe use panniyachi...there are CDs which are square, star shaped, and few more shapes..which my collegemates used to bring.:)
My days(Gops) said…
gud one....me, first time seeing
Unknown said…
Marutham, hmm

Gopalan, Bharani,
I am seeing for the first time

Me too.
Gnana Kirukan said…
ha ha - nice ones bala :)
Anonymous said…
yes, these are available for past 4-5 years, I saw them being handed out in conferences/tradeshows in year 2000 and i was amazed too then.
Anonymous said…
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