My New Digital Camera

I have bought a new Digital Camera. Its Canon PowerShot A700.

Pic courtesy:

For those who want to know about the technical details of this cam, can get the same from hereகண்கள் இமையை விட்டு உன்னையே நம்பி நிற்க.....சுவாசம் காற்றை விட்டு உன்னையேத் தேடிச் செல்ல....தாயாக மாறிப் போனாயே....வேராகத் தாங்கி நின்றாயே....


Syam said…
ithey range la pona soopu,seepu,kannadi,paguder vaangunathuku ellam post poduveenga pola iruku... :-)
Digi cam nala iruku bala but epadi operate panrathunu ellam book padichu kathukitengala? enakum,digi cam kum eezham porutham thaan.
Unknown said…
Dig cam vaangradhu ennoda romba naal aasai...adhaan poten.. ;-)

:(...see the above reply

User guide-a padichitu iruken...hope I will become master soon
My days(Gops) said…
camere'va camera vaalaiey eppadi'nga photo edutheenga?
gud gud
@gops- enakkum adhe porutham thaan..
ambi said…
wow! congrats.i too longing to buy a dig cam. sony thaan namma choice.
canon konjam costly :(

@mydays, yappa athu suttu edutha potta padam, keezha pic courtasy potrukaan paaru!
Pavithra said…
Bala - Camera looks good. I have A530. Its easy to use and the quality is extremely good.

@both Gops - Digi cam use panrathu is not tough. U can learn it in 5 minutes. If you want intricate details then you can try it with the manual. But photo eduka, oru poruthamum vendaam :)
KC! said…
digicam naan kooda vangalam-nu iruken..lets see
Gnana Kirukan said…
wow looks good :) - me need to buy one too..
Ms Congeniality said…
looks great!!! we can look forward to more pics in ur post :-)
Unknown said…
Dig cam use panradhu romba easy...

Congrats. Sony W5/W7 will be a gud option

Initially I planned to buy either A530/A540. But A700 looked better than these two.

Vaangunga. Beach, mountain, river, garden....ella edathulayum photo eduthu podunga ;-)

Hmm...u dont have cam??

Thats y I bought this. Pic nalla vandhuchuna post panren
Unknown said…

I have read only half of the 'advanced user guide'....yet to finish it
Visithra said…
700 is the latest model right - it came some time after i bought the a620 - theres also the s series s2 i think

but yayyyyyyyyyyy new cam - nalla manual padingeh - then neriya test shot pannungeh to understand the cam - different photos different scenes - then different times different settings

then nightle i tend to use indoor or night snapshot under scn - rest times i set my settings to p according to my requirements

macro shots will be briliant but dont use flash unless u intend to

read manual properly page to page n have fun ;)
Unknown said…
Thanx for visiting my blog and ur tips. Manual innum padichikitte iruken :)
Wow...Gr8! Nice cam...Nice pic...Nice figure..cha sorry nice photo panunga :D
Marutham said…
HI ,
Finally blogspot view panna mudidhu. Anaal geocities - NO!!
Have posted the songs.... :) Thanku.Result vandhruchu ,See my post to know .. ;)
Unknown said…
Unaku romba nakkal... :)

Saw ur the first person to listen to ur songs ;-)
Sasiprabha said…
Thambi.. Vaalthukkal... pudhu camera.. pudhu photo.. kalakkureenga
Bharani said…
Is this good bala..I am also planning to buy one...ur expert advice please :)
Unknown said…
This Cam is gud Bharani
Anonymous said…
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looking forward to your reply

[url=][img]  [/img][/url]


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